
Anthurium Miniature Red (combo of 3 plants)


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Quantity-Â Plants with more than 6 leaves,


Anthurium, also known as the flamingo flower, flamingo lily, boy flower, oilcloth flower or laceleaf, is an exotic-looking indoor plant with a red flower, and large, glossy leaves. Its name is derived from two Greek words, anthos (flower) and oura (tail), hence another of its common names, tail flower.

Anthurium flowers are actually ‘spathes’ – brightly coloured leaves that attract insects in the wild. The flower is actually the central ‘spadix’, made up of lots of tiny blooms. The blooms appear intermittently throughout the year and last for between six to eight weeks, with a ‘rest period’ of up to three months in between.

There are over 1,000 varieties of anthurium available, but the most commonly found type is Anthurium andreanum, which has heart-shaped leaves and shiny flowers in a range of colours. These are most commonly red, pink or white, although you may also find shades of green, yellow, burgundy, lilac and even bi-coloured and spotted flowers. Anthurium scherzianum is similar, but has a curly centre and less glossy flowers, and is sometimes known as the pigtail plant. Some varieties, such as Anthurium clarinervium and Anthurium ellipticum ‘Jungle King’ are grown for their eye-catching and distinctive foliage.

In the wild, anthuriums grow in rainforests in South America and the Caribbean, where they are epiphytes, growing in the crevices of trees. You need to try and replicate this environment in your home by providing your plant with warmth, bright filtered light and plenty of humidity. This should keep it blooming regularly throughout the year.

How to grow flamingo flower

Anthuriums are native to tropical rainforests, so this gives plenty of clues about their care – they thrive in a warm, bright room with plenty of humidity, such as a bathroom or conservatory. Mist your plant regularly, or place on a tray of moist pebbles. Water whenever the top few centimetres of compost feel dry. Repot only when the roots have filled the pot, in spring.

Anthurium is a genus of herbs often growing as epiphytes on other plants. Some are terrestrial. The leaves are often clustered and are variable in shape. The inflorescence bears small flowers which are perfect, containing male and female structures. The flowers are contained in close together spirals on the spadix. The spadix is often elongated into a spike shape, but it can be globe-shaped or club-shaped. Beneath the spadix is the spathe, a type of bract. This is variable in shape, as well, but it is lance-shaped in many species. It may extend out flat or in a curve. Sometimes it covers the spadix like a hood. The fruits develop from the flowers on the spadix. They are juicy berries varying in color, usually containing two seeds.

The spadix and spathe are a main focus of Anthurium breeders, who develop cultivars in bright colors and unique shapes. Anthurium scherzerianum and A. andraeanum, two of the most common taxa in cultivation, are the only species that grow bright red spathes. They have also been bred to produce spathes in many other colors and patterns.

Anthurium andraeanum is a flowering plant species in the family Araceae that is native to Colombia and Ecuador. A winner of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit, it is one of the plants listed in the NASA Clean Air Study as effective in removing formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and ammonia from the air.

Native to Ecuador and southwestern Colombia, it is also naturalised in other parts of the world. It is found in the Caribbean and Réunion. It is grown as an ornamental plant in the form of many hybrids or horticultural varieties. It is commonly used to make bouquets.

Anthurium (Red Mini) or Anthurium Andraeanum is one of most popular indoor plant. It is extremely good at purifying the air. It is indoor plant and can be placed at office desk. It’s leaves are broader in size. It is shade loving plant. Anthurium Red is a low-maintenance, plants with heart-shaped red waxy blooms that last up to eight weeks. They bloom without any special attention and are the perfect size for any indoor area with their bright, shiny, and perky presence.

Anthurium mini red is a perennial plant ,they love warmth and humidity. Keep the leaves clean and glossy by wiping them with a damp cloth to keep them dust free. While they can be grown outdoors in the garden in warm climates, anthurium is more often grown as houseplants by enthusiasts willing to put forth the effort for a plant that can be fussy. Some species are highly prized for their bright, exotic flowers, while others are grown mostly for their foliage.

Anthurium red flowering

With the right care and regular fertilisation, the Anthurium mini red plant produces new flowers throughout the year. Usually however there are cycles of three months of flowering, a few months without flowering, and then three months of flowering again. When red anthurium plant has shiny leaves and is producing new flowers, you can assume that your mini plant is enjoying favorable conditions and will flower for many years

  • Make sure that your plant is not placed near warm air or cold air sources like heaters or air conditioners. It is always advised to keep the room temperature consistent throughout the seasons. The best temperature range for almost any plant is 15°C – 24°C.

Anthurium Red or the Flamingo plant or Pigtail plant is a low-maintenance, plants with heart-shaped red waxy blooms that last up to eight weeks. They bloom without any special attention and are the perfect size for any indoor area with their bright, shiny, and perky presence.

Use a well-drained, peaty potting mixture with a layer of pot shards at the bottom. Plants need bright light (part or diffused sun in summer), but avoid full sun. In too much shade, plants may not bloom. Bright indirect light in winter is best. Consistent moisture year around. Soils must not be allowed to dry out. Does not require winter dormancy. Prefers high humidity. Regular temperatures in summer and minimum 60°F in winter. Frequent repotting (every 2 years) helps rid soils of unabsorbed minerals. Sphagnum moss on soil surface helps cover and keep moist any roots that appear. Insecticides may harm flowers.

Anthurium andraeanum, commonly called flamingo lily or painter’s palette, is native to Colombia and Ecuador. It is an epiphytic evergreen tropical perennial of the Arum family that is most noted for its attractive waxy, palette-shaped, bright red spathes and contrasting dark green foliage. It typically grows to 16” tall. Drooping, heart-shaped, dark green leaves (to 8” long) arise in a clump on long stems from the plant crown and are attractive year around. Each axillary flower (typical arum family) features a creamy yellow spadix enclosed by a large, flat, waxy red spathe (to 6”). Flowers are long-lasting. Flowers may appear throughout the year in optimum growing conditions. Fruits rarely appear on indoor plants.

Genus name comes from the Greek words anthos meaning a flower and oura meaning a tail referring to the tail-like spadix. Watch for mealybugs, spider mites, white fly or scale. Foliage may scorch in dry or drafty locations. Rots, blight and leaf spot may occur. Houseplant for bright, humid areas. Popular cut flower

What makes it special

  • Anthurium Red or the Flamingo plant or Pigtail plant is a low-maintenance, plants with heart-shaped red waxy blooms that last up to eight weeks.
  • They bloom without any special attention and are the perfect size for any indoor area with their bright, shiny, and perky presence.
  • Anthurium ‘Mini Jungle’ is an evergreen perennial.
  • This hybrid Anthurium is a tender plant that can be grown outdoors in a warm climate, or indoors in the cooler regions of the world.
  • Anthurium ‘Mini Jungle’ makes a fantastic houseplant, or a good choice for a terrarium plant, for an open, drier terrarium.

Plant specifications


Plant height 50cm height
Plant spread 50cm spread
  • Above specifications are indicative only actual dimensions May vary by – 10%


Common name Anthurium miniature red
Scientific name Anthurium andraeanum
Maximum reachable height 50 cm
Native habitat Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean.
Type Evergreen perennial
Leaves Heart shaped leaf
Stem Long Delicate stem


Planting and care

Light Requirements

  • The Flamingo plant will only thrive in indirect sunlight – be it bright or low. She will not survive direct sunlight.
  • In too much shade, plants may not bloom. Bright indirect light in winter is best.


  • Use a well-drained, peaty potting mixture with a layer of pot shards at the bottom.


  • Consistent moisture year around.
  • Soils must not be allowed to dry out.
  • Does not require winter dormancy. Prefers high humidity.


  • Regular temperatures in summer and minimum 60°F in winter.


  • Requires a feed with high phosphorous fertiliser every quarter and while repotting to ensure healthy growth.


  • The anthuriums outgrow their pot every couple of years and need repotting into a bigger pot (2- 3 inches)


  • The easiest way to propagate the Anthurium is through stem cuttings. When the plant is mature enough to have longer stems, cut off a stem nearer to the soil for propagation.
  • Do not worry about the stub you leave behind – with care and time it will grow plantlets.
  1. Why are my Anthurium leaves turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves of the Anthurium are a sign of overwatering. Anthuriums need a moist soil, but make sure you don’t overwater them.

  1. Why does my Anthurium have brown tips?

Excessive use of fertilisers causes the anthurium’s leaves to develop brown tips.

  1. Why does my Anthurium have brown leaves?

Over-watering your anthurium causes a root rot which results in browning of leaves. Water your plant less frequently to fix this issue.

Key requirements to keep the plant healthy


Sunlight Indirect sunlight
Watering Twice a week
Soil Well drained peaty potted mix
Humidity High humidity
Temperature 60 degree F in winter
Care level Moderate
Propogation Stem cuttings
Fertilizer High phosphorus fertilizer

What makes it special

  • They Can Re-Bloom All Year
  • With their low maintenance care schedule and blooms that last for months, anthurium are a great choice for novice plant owners.
  • The Colorful Heart-Shape is Not A Flower.
  • Though it looks like a waxy bloom, it is actually a spathe, or shield-like leaf. Its function is to protect the spadix, which contains several tiny flowers when in bloom.
  • The spathe can come in many colors, such as pink, orange and white
  • It is also commonly known as the Flamingo Flower, Hawaiian Heart, Painted Tongue and Painters Palette because of the unique shape and spadix.
  • Anthuriums Symbolize Hospitality
  • Due to their open, heart-shape and long-lasting characteristics they are popular as hostess or hospitality gifts.


Name Riya jothy
Address Rosevilla H, madapally po, chenamattom ,changanasherry, Kottayam
College Assumption college changanasherry
Department Botany


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